
We’ve all heard about the power of gratitude. Oprah played a big role in popularizing the idea of a Gratitude Journal – a place where you could review the day and, instead of thinking of what should have been done,… Read More

Paying Attention

Have you ever gone through the cycle of feeling accomplished, feeling guilty for not doing other things on your list, feeling distracted by something new that came across your desk, and then feeling accomplished again? It’s overwhelming. Perhaps this specific…

Choose Your Own Ending

Choose your own ending – do you remember those books?  The ones where you could read up to a certain point, and then choose how the story would continue? Or end?  What a pleasure they were.  I remember trying to…

Taking Time

I have a sign next to my bed: “Joy – Love – Peace.”  It’s three words, each on their own chain, hanging down from my nightstand lamp.  I bought them at Pottery Barn after the holidays – they’re meant to…