A New Page

A friend of mine recently took a yoga class where the instructor typically shares a thought for the day at the end of the class. She told me about what he said, and I thought it was a great idea… Read More


In reading the book “Jesus Lived in India” by Holger Kersten, I have been taken on a journey that I could not have imagined when I started it a few weeks ago. So many questions are running through my mind,…

Two as One

This week I was taking a walk in the neighborhood, and I saw something I’ve never noticed before: two trees as one. It wasn’t as if it was one tree that just had two main branches or trunks – this…


in⋅spi⋅ra⋅tion  [in-spuh–rey-shuhn] –noun 1. an inspiring or animating action or influence; 2. Something inspired, as an idea; 3. A result of inspired activity; 4. A thing or person that inspires; 5. Theology a) a divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon…


What is it about teachers that we love (and sometimes hate) so much? Is it that they challenge us? Nuture us? Provide us with answers? Provide us with questions? Do you remember your favorite teachers? Why were they your favorites?…