Conspicuous Consumption

A week or so ago, I decided to clean out my linen/medicine/toiletry closet. Yes, closet! There are four shelves, each dedicated to a different category – and it was a task. In fact, I only finished two of the shelves:… Read More

Little Black Dress

I recently heard someone use the phrase: “Being helpful is just control in a party dress.” To begin with, I wished I had come up with that. It’s brilliant: simple, poignant and tangible. Sometimes, when we think we’re helping someone,…


Are you a victim? I was having a conversation recently with a dear friend, in which the idea of the ‘victim mentality’ came up. As we were talking, it occurred to me that when someone becomes a victim – meaning,…

opportunity is knocking

Hello everybody. I recently had an opportunity to have a conversation with an old new friend. I say “old” and “new” because it is someone I have known for a while, but with whom I have become newly acquainted on…