I wanted pizza – so I made a salad

I typically don’t do food/fitness posts, because I am *not* an expert on either. I am, however, an expert on me, so here you go! I wanted pizza – I made this instead. Last week my tastebuds were having a… Read More

Why Love?

Why love? This holiday weekend got me thinking. Love is the answer to so many questions. So I thought it prudent to ask another question: Why Love? It seems a simple enough question, with an equally simple answer. Right? But…

When the Bubble Pops

Recently, I found myself thinking of an old boyfriend. I was thinking about him and wondering what had become of him and whether he was happy, and then I started thinking about our relationship. You see, our relationship ended with…

When being hesitant created an unexpected opportunity

As you know, I talk a fair amount about having barometers in your life. These are the personal measuring sticks that help you gauge your actions and decisions against what you believe and hold true. I have my own barometers…

Words, backlash and throwing stones

If you’ve followed my blog thus far, you know I draw from all sorts of inspiration that I encounter in my path. Sometimes it’s nature, sometimes it’s clients, and sometimes it seems to just drop out of thin air. The…