Perspective and Fitted Sheets

I know how to fold a fitted sheet. This is not something you hear people say often. In fact, it’s usually the reverse (and there seems to be a sort of pride involved in saying that you don’t know how… Read More

Acceptance Is The Key

This past week I’ve been soul-searching a bit, as I meandered through the last few days of the online workshop I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. It’s been an interesting process, to say the least. On the one hand,…

Leading or Paving the Way Forward

Isn’t so much of life about reacting to something, rather than creating something anew? They say there are no more original ideas. I don’t think that’s entirely true, but I think it’s mostly true. I read the words of poets…

Getting Real (the real truth behind playing small)

I didn’t have anything to write for this week. I thought I did, but I’m still processing that piece with my mentor. It was longer, and I needed some feedback on whether it was too long for this weekly venue. (I’ve…

The Importance of Having a Lover

I think everyone should have a Lover. To be clear, I’m not referring to what Hollywood defines as a “lover” in its stories of lust and betrayal. No, this Lover is different – this is a Lover with a capital…